Tuesday, March 20, 2012

LAZY Noodle Soup/Sallad

Am I complicated, again?

NOt exactly or might be exactly? Yes, if you are a professional cook or Chef Ramsey, you/he will kill me already. But as I am just a simple homey mum loves cooking, this easy peasy I have today is acceptable (in my world).

Hello... hey!!! for those who don't have time, like stressy single mums and dads, career women and above all teen-agers and students, I will guarantee that this will be a fave, sooner or later. This is already a fave, at least at D´Box (my home)

HERE IS THE REASON, CHEFS will kill me §;-)
This is not dangerous to eat, isn't it?
Mix salad with smoke ham, YUMM...
This is the reason, INSTANT NOODLE SOUP.. do you mind?
VOILÁ... a 10 mins time, your kiddos have a healthy foodie!
Just add some lemon juice and that's it?

I prefer to serve this to my youngsters rather than serving them like, pomme frites, deep fried chicken wings, deep fried fish, hamburgers with so much fat and a 100 tons of oil and mayonnaise. We are talking of a more healthier community, healthier person etc, etc. I don't mean and persuade you to serve this everyday. Noodles is also a heavy carbs bearer but serving every now and then can't harm yourselves and your children. Trust me.

SO, TELL ME IF YOU LIKE IT, next time you visit me.
Ask your children, your teen-agers and ever your better half what they think?


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sunday Dinner A´la Rich

After what happened...

If you don't read my other blog "Chubby N Chieque" you don't know what happened at D´Box. A funny, scary and a hard job, indeed. But, it all ended in a very happy ending.

As MOTH (man of the house) was busy in his project (re-doing) the foyér and I was not feeling the best (again). Darn! influenza!!! it comes and goes! Anyways, I was a bit starving as so MOTH (hard working GH-great hubby). I decided to cook Cordon Blu a´la Rich §;-)  
You know that I always modify and that's my expertise. 

2 servings:
4 slices of schnitzel meat
1 dl pelt flour
2 dl breadcrumb
200 gram gruyeré cheese
2 eggs
Salt & black pepper to taste
Lactose free margarine
To Do:
- Pound the meat in a plastic foilé wrap cutting board. I also cover the meat with plastic foilé to impede the blood or water to fleck.
- Beat eggs and mix the spices & salt
- Add the cheese between 2 slices of meat and close it with toohpicks
- Put the meat in the beaten eggs, let stay for 5 mins
- Prepare the pelt flour in a large plate and the breadcrumb in the other
- Dip the meat in the pelt flour and back to the rest of the beaten eggs again
- Lastly, dip the meat to the breadcrumbs and let it stay for 5 mins
* Fry the meat in medium heat until golden brown. Don't over fry...
* Transfer the meat to a baking dish and bake it until done.

Pesto marinated cherry Tomatoes, mini olives & salad

15 pcs cherry tomatoes
3 tsbp mini olives 
Half lettuce bouqute
*** I omit the nuts for allergy free pesto
3 stem of fresh parsley & basilica
1 dl parmesan mix with gruyeré cheese
Virgin olive oil
1 clove garlic
Salt & pepper to taste
Balsamic vinegar, olive oil and 3 tsp water. Mix it with lemon pepper, salad mix herbs. Beat or blend well in a food processor to get that delicate consistence. Salt to taste.
To Do:
Open and take out the seeds of the cherry tomatoes. Mix all ingredients for pesto and dash with salt and pepper to taste. Marinate the tomatoes and mini olives while your preparing the meat. Cut the lettuce in 1/6 in size. I prefer to have bigger slices rather than small (this reminds me of pizza salad).
2 portioner:

4 skivor schnitzel kött
1 dl dinkelmjöl
2 dl ströbröd
200 gram gruyère ost
2 ägg
Salt & svartpeppar efter smak
Laktosfri margarin

Att göra:
- Banka köttet i en  täck  
skärbräda av plastfolie. Täck också köttet med plastfolie för att hindra blodet eller vattnen att stänka

 - Vispa ägg och blanda kryddorna och salt
- Lägg osten mellan 2 skivor av kött och förslut med tandpetare
- Lägg köttet i dem vispade äggen, låt stanna 5 minuter
- Förbered dinkelmjöl i en stor tallrik och ströbröd i den andra
- Doppa köttet i 
dinkelmjölet sen lägg tillbaka i äggen
- Slutligen, doppa köttet till ströbrödet och låt den stanna för 5 min
* Stek köttet i medel värme tills de är gyllenbruna. 
* Överför köttet till en ugnsform och ställ in i ugnen tills köttet är klart, c:a 30 mins

** Ej pinjenötter för allergifri pesto
3 st färska basilika och persilja
 1 dl riven Parmesan och gruyerè ost
2 vitlöksklyftor

1 nypa salt och vitlöksalt
1 dl olivolja

Balsamvinäger, olivolja och 3 tsk vatten. Blanda med citronpeppar och sallad mix krydda. Vispa   eller blanda väl i en matberedare för att få det fina konsistens. Salt efter smak.


Saturday, March 17, 2012

Sandwich Cake--- A Week-end Yum

Week-End, a great time for chillaxing...

Hubby finishes his work a lil late but came home in time. I was home in time too and as we are two at home, there is no reason to rush home. So, I dropped by to my fave curtain shop and I was just looking or getting some ideas for new curtains (maybe?). Anyhow,  I found some and grabbed some (of course) *wink 

It's week-end and this time, it is for just the 2 of US...

Here is D´Box SC...
Very normal treat in Sweden... while can be so fancy treat to other countries...
My Style...

1 loaf rye bread
1 dl mayonnaise 
1½ dl creme fraiché
½ cooking cream
3 hard boiled eggs
1 pkt smoked salmon
2 dl peeled shrimps
1 dl salted roe caviar (black or red)
Veges to your likes
Salt, pepper to taste
To do:
- Cut the bread edges...
Prepare all other ingredients in a deep dish while cooking the eggs.
- Mix mayonnaise, creme fraiché, cooking creme, caviar ( I used light products) and mix it thoroughly
- Cut the eggs in small pieces
- Add shrimps, cut eggs caviar and spices to mayo mix
- Mix it with a blender. Be sure not mix too loose
Then, dip the bread to the mayo mixture and layer it nicely in a server... I just done a two layer cake...
* If you wish to have something in between the layer, feel free to mix, your choice: paté, tuna, ham, more sliced eggs, etc etc... I prefer simple this time...

When you are done..either you DECORATE your cake directly or let stand overnight for a tastier taste. 
I stand/refrigirate my cake overnight and I decorated it this morning. Here is the outcome. Let your fantasies overdose your decorating ideas. I added the phalaenopsis, reminding my ethnicity. No offend, folks... this is just my way of expressing my personality in decorating. For more personal touch, indeed.
Hope you try some of this. If you find hard finding the ingredients? If you have the IKEA, then you can find the right stuffs. I always modify in all cooking or baking I am doing. I never follow all the "to do/procedure" thing. It can't be poisoned if I missed or omit a thing in my doing, can I? So bring out your dishes, your pans and your great server and play your wildest fantasies.. This is a great food to end the week-end. HAPPY WEEK-END to all my beautiful people of the blogiesphere.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday Panic Day on a bed of sesame bread...

Good Day Beautiful People of the World...  

YIKES! I woke up with an amazing scary thoughts. It seems I am in an anxious panic. Gee... what a morning. However, I cope up with it while keeping myself busy this morning. It is Friday, too? Something or anything can happen §;-)

Anyways, today is Friday and to many Catholics, this day is a fasting day, specially to meat. In other word,"meat fasting". I am not a true religious or something. But still, the way my parents raised me, it keeps coming back in my thoughts. So, every year, every Friday, before Good Friday, I am fasting. Is it good for your health? To be honest, I am not sure, I do it anyway. So, this morning when I woke up with a panic feelings, I rushed down to the kitchen, to keep me busy. "Forget all the bad thoughts", I  persuaded myself. So, here it is.

Let me know if you try and tell me if it is easy to make...  
This bread is an absolutely a carb free bread. A must "TRY".



1 tablespoon psysllium husk fiber
2 cups peeled sesame seeds 
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 cups grated cheese
3 eggs

To do:
Mix all dry ingredients plus cheese. Add the eggs and mix to a smooth paste. Pour the mass 
on a butter sheet. Spread the pulp thin (my bread was 38x24 cm) with a spatula or use a piece of plastic wrap and rolling pin. Bake at 225 degrees for 8 minutes. Let cool and cut into suitable pieces. Dry in oven at 75 degrees if you want harder bread.

1 msk fiberhusk
2 dl skalade sesamfrön
1 tsk bakpulver
2 dl riven ost
3 ägg

Gör så här:
Blanda alla torra ingredienser plus ost. Tillsätt äggen och rör ihop till en jämn massa. Häll massan på en bakpappersklädd plåt. Bred ut massan tunt (38x24 cm) med en slickepott eller använd en bit plastfolie och brödkavel. Grädda i 225 grader i 8 min. Låt svalna och skär i lämpliga bitar. Torka i ugn på 75 grader om du vill ha hårt bröd så önskas.

Så lätt kan man inte få...

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Filipino Sour Soup for Lunch


The first time I post something about this very famous soup in the Philippines. This soup is absolutely easy to make and this also good for those who lessens their carbs intake (like me) however, when it comes to Filipino  or generally Asian recipes, a bowl or two LöL* of rice is a must.

Today, I am home for some reasons beyond my control and I have a time for a mammography. No Panic! This is only a yearly check-up. So, I have time cooking this soup while I do some household chores.

Remember I said, cook rice in every Asian food? 
In this soup, it is very normal that we, Filipinos use the water when you wash the rice.
That will be the soup of my "Soup", am I going complicated?


½ kg pork with bone (to make the soup tastier)
1 yellow onion
3-4 beef tomatoes ( I use cherry tomatoes, I had in reach)
I use Paksoi , as I have this and if you have (Kangkong) Water Spinach) you can usually find this in almost Asian stores 
1 bundle of string beans or green beans
Salt + black pepper to taste
2 tsk sour mix (tamarind mix- 12SEK or 1.50$) or  use 2 lemons

To do:
- Bring the pork to boil until done
- Mix all the veges: 
In order: onion, tomatoes= all harder veges then end put the leaves last. Just simmer for maybe 2-3 minutes not more to keep the veges al dente.
Easy... takes you 35 minutes not more, well depends on your meat. I used to pound the meat b4 to lessen the boiling method.


½ kg fläsk med ben (för att göra soppan godare)
1 gul lök
3-4 bifftomater (jag använder körsbärstomater, jag har hemma)
Paprika olika färger

Jag använder Paksoi, eftersom jag har hemma och om du har (Kangkong Vatten Spenat) den är ännu bättre. Man hittar den i nästan alla asiatiska affärer.
1 bunt gröna bönor
Salt + svartpeppar efter smak
2 tsk syrlig blandning (tamarind mix-12SEK eller 1,50 $) eller använd 2 citroner

Att göra:
- Koka fläskköttet tills det är mört och klart
- Här den syrling blanding eller citronsaft i soppan
-Krydda eftersmak
- Blanda alla grönsakerna:
Först: lök, tomater = alla hårdare grönsaler sedan paksoi. Bara sjuda  2-3 minuter inte mer för att hålla grönsakerna al dente.
Lätt som en plätt ... den tar bara 35 minuter, eller beror på köttet. Jag brukade dunka köttet innan för att minska den kokande metoden.
Hoppas Ni klarar och gillar denna.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Cheeky-Bacon alá Rich---

This is another EZ peasy done...

Many people I know, always complain and had a bit of problem planning their meals. Whether it is easy or hard to cook, in my world, I always have time to it? I guess, many mother's, know what I am talking about, "aren't you, mums"?

If you have young kiddos or teen-agers, they always are so picky on what we "Mums" serve. Sometime, it's so devastating to persuade them to try? My lil daughter (then...) was a heartbreaking in the name of food. She don't even used nursery bottles. Imagine? feeding her the gruel in the middle of the night §;-( it makes me so sad thinking of it. But that's another story.

Anyhow, at D´Box (what I called my home), I planned a week b4, on what to cook for dinner for the week. Then, when our kids, get older, let them join you the planning. Always plan at least, you have a day/evening luxurious food. As I said, before, it doesn't mean "luxury", this always attached to expensive.

"I always prepared one luxurious dish a week. Friday or Saturday"

½ kg chicken fillet
2 pkt bacon (light) if you are a weight watcher
1 pkt Prosciutto
1 bundle asparagus

250 g Ricotta cheese or Cream cheese (kids friendly taste)
2 Lemons (1 to kneed the fillet)
Salt & lemon pepper to taste

Pick your kids choice
1 pkt cherry tomatoes
1 pkt green aspargus
Tex Mex rolls (for bribery) LoL*

Mix root veges: Always omit the veges if your kids don't like it
Sweet potatoes
Fresh thyme
Salt flakes
Black pepper
Olive oil

To do:
-Always wash the meat with lemon juice and zest to take the smell and the slimmy thing. I learnt this tip from my mum and this always works. LET IT DRIP... 
- Cut a pocket like in the fillet and stuck the cheese in .
- Close the pocket with toothpick then wrap it with bacon thoroughly until it covers the fillet well.
- Fry fillet with a lactose free lard (if your not lactose intolerant) it is ok to use whatever you have. Be sure not to fry well done.
- Transfer the fillet in a baking dish. Cover when bake until your chicken is done
- Fry or grill the asparagus of wrap prosuitto 

Prepare the Veges:
Wash and peel the root crops and slice them to your liking. Mix them in a baking dish, sprinkle the salt flakes and the olive oil. Cut the fresh time into short size. Blend well and bake it until it's done.

If you are not a weight watchers, then make a simple gravy just to give your dish a little life. I do prefer the lemon and a salad dressing balsamico.
Garnish TEX MEX chips b4 serving.


½ kg kycklingfilé
2 pkt bacon (lätt) om du är en vikt watcher
1 pkt Prosciutto
250 g Ricotta ost eller färskost (barnvänlig smak)
2 citroner (1 till att knåda/tvätta av filérna)
Salt & citron peppar
Välj alltid dina barn vill ha...
1 pkt körsbärstomater
1 pkt grön sparris
Tex Mex rullar (för mutor) LoL *

Blanda rotfrukter: alltid utesluta rotfrukterna om dina barn inte gillar dem
färsk timjan
salt flingor

Att göra:
-Tvätta alltid köttet med citronsaft och skal för att ta lukt och den  slimmiga sak. Jag lärde mig detta tips från min mamma och det alltid fungerar. Låt det droppa ...
- Klipp en ficka som i filén och stack osten i.
- Stäng fickan med tandpetaren sedan linda den med bacon ordentligt tills den täcker filén väl.
- Stek filén med en laktosfri ister eller smör (om du inte laktosintolerant) är det ok att använda de du har. Var noga med att inte steka väl.
- Flytta filén i en ugnsform. Täck då så tills kycklingen är klar. Detta hindrar att brinna baconet.

Förbered veges:
Tvätta och skala rotfrukter och skiva dem som passa dig. Blanda dem i en ugnsform, strö  flingsalt och olivolja. Skär den färska timjan i korta bitar. Blanda väl och grädda den tills den är klar.

Om du inte är en viktväktaren, du kan göra en enkel brunsås bara för att ge din maträtten lite liv. Jag föredrar citron och en sallad dressing balsamico.


Monday, March 12, 2012

Honey Marinated Salmon

A Springtime Light Recipe Alternative...

Me & my family try to be healthy and being healthy does not mean expensive products.
Min familj och jag alltid tänker vad och hur vi äter. Alternativet till en bra mat är att bara mångfäld tänkande...

A worth trying/ LYCKA TILL...

An EZ peasy recipe:

Ingredients for marinate:

½ kgs salmon
1 lemon juice + zest
3 tsp liquid honey 
Lemon pepper
Garlic salt to taste
Extra salt for washing salmon
1 lemon to wash salmon

Green salads:
Sugar snaps
Blood orange

Lemon or depends in your taste
1 dl. olive oil
½ dl. water or white wine
Salad dressing spice
1 lemon + zest
Salt to taste

To Do:

Wash the salmon with lemon thoroughly. Let it drip.
MIX all ingredients to marinate the salmon. Let it stand an hour or two in fridge.

Green Salads:

Wash thoroughly. Cut lettuce in half it's leaf. Steam the sugarsnaps a half minute. Don't ever overcook.
Peel the blood organge. Be sure to take the white husk as this is bitter.
Arrange neatly in each plates or in a server.

Salad Dressing:

My family prefer the lemon. However, the alternative is easy to do.
Just mix all the ingredients and mix in a food processor for a delicate consistence.


Ingredienser för marinad:
Halv kg lax
1 citronsaft + rivet skal
3 tsk flytande honung
Vitlök salt efter smak
Extra salt för att tvätta lax
1 citron att tvätta lax

Gröna sallader:
Sugar snaps

Citron eller beror din smak

1 dl. olivolja
½ dl. vatten eller vitt vin
Salladsdressing krydda
1 citron + rivet
Salt efter smak

Att göra:
Tvätta lax med citron ordentligt. Låt det rinna.
Blanda alla ingredienser för att marinera laxen. Låt stå en timme eller två i kylskåpet.

Gröna Sallader:
Tvätta ordentligt. Skär sallad i stor bit.  Snabb ångkoka sockerärtor. Skala blodapelsinen. Var noga med att ta den vita skalet eftersom det är bitter. Lägg blandsallad prydlig på tallrikar eller i en serveringsfat.


Min familj föredrar citron. Emellertid är det alternativt lätt att göra.
Bara blanda alla ingredienser och blanda i en matberedare till en fint konsistens.

BON Aptit ...